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How I simplified one birthday celebration this year

For my daughter's birthday, instead of having a big party with several classmates, we suggested a visit with two friends to the Discovery Zone. My daughter loved the idea. What does it mean to us and to her? Happy memories of good times with friends to keep forever, instead of more packaging, giftwrap and plastic gewgaws. And for me, it is a lot less work, less costly, less stressful and less wasteful than a party. Not to mention avoiding yet more *stuff* - toys and other gifts she doesn't need - and replacing it instead with the joy in sharing the moment with loved ones.

We enjoyed a homemade birthday cake on "the day" shared with her favourite aunt and cousins - building the family relationship, memories of special times shared with family, and an unexpected gift of a book from her aunt - can't beat that! From us, a gift of a special art kit (useful, educational, nurtures the budding artist within her), a book of word puzzles and activities (again, educational, but fun as well), and, taped to a piece of paper, pictures of various bedside lamps cut from the weekly store flyers - so *she* could choose which one she wanted (allowing her to shape her environment herself, somewhat, makes an otherwise unexciting gift interesting, and it *is* something she wants, since she is such a bookworm and loves to read at bedtime).

I know, we could have avoided consumerism entirely - bought the lamp at a second-hand store, taken the girls on a free outing instead of Discovery Zone, etc. But some habits are just too hard to break...this birthday celebration is about as simplistic as we could make it. What pleased me the most was that this young lady I'm raising didn't care if she had a party with lots of presents - what made her happiest was spending time with people she loves.

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